
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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When Strengths Become Struggles with Basketball All-Star, Kevin Love

What do we do when our greatest strengths turn on us and become our greatest weaknesses? Basketball All-Star Kevin Love knows a bit about that and talks with Dr. Emily Anhalt about how to turn it around in this emotional push-up!

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June 7, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Therapy and Basketball with All-Star, Kevin Love

Basketball All-Star Kevin Love joins the show to talk about starting therapy after dealing with a very public mental health crisis during the NBA playoffs in 2017. Kevin shares what motivated him to take care of his emotional fitness and sends a shoutout to other athletes who have inspired him. We also explore the stigmas in professional sports and why Kevin believes vulnerability actually creates stronger teams.

September 29, 2022
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The Importance of Everyday Grief with Global Editorial Director of IDEO, Shoshana Berger

For Dr. Emily, a difficult realization of adulthood was that every decision we make means having to grieve the loss of every decision we can no longer make as a result. In this Emotional Push-Up, Shoshana Berger, global editorial director at the design firm IDEO, joins Dr. Emily to talk about how growth and grief are intertwined and how learning to grieve is an important skill for ongoing emotional health.

July 11, 2022
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Celebrating Small Wins with Hollywood Actress, Alessandra Torresani

In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks to longtime friend and Hollywood actress, Alessandra Torresani, about taking the time to notice, honor, and enjoy the small things that go right in life, i.e. celebrating the small wins!