
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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The Importance of Conflict with Podcast Host, Lindsey Metselaar

Conflict is uncomfortable, especially when it's with someone we work with or care about or otherwise depend on. So unsurprisingly, many people go to great lengths to avoid conflict. But in this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily and her guest and fellow podcast host Lindsey Metselaar, (We Met At Acme) agree that conflict is as natural for a relationship as exercise is to a muscle and what is actually important to focus on is how you repair after a conflict arises. Tune in now to hear how to move past conflicts in a healthy way.

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June 20, 2022
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Why "Always Trust Your Gut" Is Bad Advice with StudioPod Co-Founder, Julian A. Lewis II

StudioPod co-founder Julian A. Lewis II joins Dr. Emily in this Emotional Push-Up to talk about our gut instincts. While it’s considered standard sage advice to ‘trust our gut,’ Dr. Emily says there’s more to it than that. Listen now to hear why she says we should all be a little more discerning about what our guts are telling us.

July 21, 2022
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Reach Out and Feel the Love with CoFounder of Morning Brew, Alex Lieberman

If we don’t love ourselves, then how is anyone else ever going to love us, right? Well, Dr. Emily says that’s bullshit. In this Emotional Push-Up, she is joined by Morning Brew cofounder Alex Lieberman to talk about this well known but questionable trope about self-love and a healthier way to approach the journey that is learning to love ourselves.

September 15, 2022
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Things Don't Have to Last Forever with President & COO of Athletic Greens, Kat Cole

Any relationship or experience that has taught us something about ourself is a relationship or experience that was worth having or doing. In this Emotional Push-Up, President and COO of Athletic Greens, Kat Cole, joins Dr. Emily to talk about the beauty in impermanence and how to make peace with things coming to an end.