
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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TABOO TUESDAY: Mistakes, Grief, and Reinvention with President & COO of Athletic Greens, Kat Cole

It can be hard owning up to mistakes, but President and COO of Athletic Greens Kat Cole says that the more comfortable we can get with things not going perfectly, the better we’ll be at taking risks and trying new things. In this Taboo Tuesday episode, Kat and Dr. Emily discuss mistakes, loss, and grief and how to balance all of the above while also carving out a successful career. From asking for help to enduring a miscarriage, Kat doesn’t shy away from talking about her own experiences, including what she says was the worst mistake she ever made in her career and how she worked to turn the situation around. Tune in now for this thoughtful discussion on how to be honest, open and resilient in work and life. 

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September 13, 2022
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Learning to Ask for Help with Angel Investor, Maia Bittner

It can be really hard to reach out and ask for help and support. Some people have trouble with this because they want to see themselves as competent and having it all together. Some people worry that asking for help will reduce the amount of control they have in a situation, and some people weren't given a lot of support or help with things early in life and find it hard to ask for help now. Angel investor Maia Bittner joins this episode to explore why it can sometimes be so hard to ask for help and work through a few steps with Dr. Emily that we can all take to get more comfortable asking others for their help and support.

September 6, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Let's Talk About Sex with Inventor of the Hashtag, Chris Messina

Chris Messina has over a hundred thousand followers on Twitter, but he wasn’t thinking about that when he accepted a challenge from his partner to be more vocal about his sexual desires, and updated his profile to include a personal goal of giving her more orgasms. Cut to the following day when people were shocked to see that this tech leader credited with inventing the hashtag had posted something so personal in such a public way. But for Chris, this event was a turning point for him in speaking more freely about sex without fear or shame. In this Taboo Tuesday, Chris talks to Dr. Emily about his journey to accepting himself as a sexual being and navigating a world where many people are not comfortable talking about sex openly.

June 13, 2022
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Ask for What You Want with Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, Logan Ury

Logan Ury, Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge and bestselling author of How to Not Die Alone: The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love, joins Dr. Emily for an emotional push-up on asking directly for what you want and need.