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Have you ever lost a houseplant because you forgot to care for it? How about a friendship? Taking care of our friendships can be a lot like taking care of our plants. Join us in this Emotional Push-Up with Kyle Hagge from Morning Brew to talk about how to maintain the friendships in our lives.
Have you ever made an assumption about what someone else is feeling or thinking and then found out you were way off? All too often, our assumptions about others reveal more about us than they do about them. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by brand marketing lead at Heard and founder of Fulwiler Media Michael Fulwiler to explore the meaning we assign to other people's words, intentions, and actions in order to better understand ourselves.
If we don’t love ourselves, then how is anyone else ever going to love us, right? Well, Dr. Emily says that’s bullshit. In this Emotional Push-Up, she is joined by Morning Brew cofounder Alex Lieberman to talk about this well known but questionable trope about self-love and a healthier way to approach the journey that is learning to love ourselves.
Nothing lasts forever—the good or the bad—so learning to be present in the moment is a core skill of emotional fitness. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Karan Singh, COO at Headspace and Co-Founder of Ginger, to highlight the importance of mindfulness to weather all that life brings our way: fully soaking in the joy while we have it and trusting that the tough moments won’t last forever.