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Going from never meditating to becoming a “good” mediator is a bit like going from never lifting weights to becoming a bodybuilder. It takes time and consistency (and lots of reps!) to build the habit. In this Emotional Push-Up with Coa's Lead Product Engineer, Scotty Eckenthal, Dr. Emily explores the process of creating a safe and calm space within oneself through meditation. Tune in and let’s meditate together!
Listen to the song Generations by Dear Gravity.
If we don’t love ourselves, then how is anyone else ever going to love us, right? Well, Dr. Emily says that’s bullshit. In this Emotional Push-Up, she is joined by Morning Brew cofounder Alex Lieberman to talk about this well known but questionable trope about self-love and a healthier way to approach the journey that is learning to love ourselves.
Supporting the success of others might be tough at times, but not because we don't care. In this Emotional Push-Up, Coa’s own Pallavi Yetur sits down to talk with Dr. Emily about scarcity mentality and how to replace it with solidarity, elevating others, and paying it forward - because it's more fun and fulfilling when everyone is at the top together!
Have you ever heard the idea that the things we dislike about others are the things we dislike about ourselves? Well, Dr. Emily says that while that’s true, it’s more complicated than it sounds. In this Emotional Push-up, she is joined by Mason Spector, co-founder of the mental health clothing company Madhappy, to work through an exercise that can help us better understand what is happening when we are feeling annoyed, frustrated or judgmental with others. Tune in now to learn what the three J’s are and how you can use these tools to work through an issue.