
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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Get More Comfortable Being Uncomfortable with Inventor of the Hashtag, Chris Messina

So much of what we do in life is in service of avoiding discomfort. We avoid tough conversations. We avoid challenging the status quo when we know we could do better. We turn to drugs and alcohol to avoid facing other uncomfortable realities. But unfortunately the things we do to avoid discomfort often end up leading to more discomfort than the original thing we were trying to avoid in the first place. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily talks to Chris Messina, credited with creating the hashtag, about why the most effective path to emotional growth is to become more comfortable being uncomfortable.

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October 20, 2022
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Working Through an Impasse with Co-Founder and CEO of Coa, Alexa Meyer

Have you ever tried to make an important decision with a colleague, romantic partner, friend, or family member, but gotten completely stuck? In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by her co-founder and Coa’s CEO, Alexa Meyer, to share an effective, proactive tool they’ve used to get through decision impasses.

May 24, 2022
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Ready to Get Emotionally Fit? - Trailer

Staying emotionally fit takes work and repetition. That's why this podcast delivers short, actionable Emotional Push-Ups every Monday and Thursday to help you build a better practice of mental health. We'll also share surprising, sometimes funny, sometimes shocking conversations on Taboo Tuesdays, because the things we are most hesitant to talk about are also the most normal. So join us to kickstart your emotional fitness. Let's flex those feels and do some reps together!

August 23, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Going Public with Emotions & Therapy with Author, Jordan Sondler

In this Taboo Tuesday discussion, author, illustrator, and mental health advocate, Jordan Sondler, joins Dr. Emily to talk about what it was like going public about therapy and working on her mental health in her book, "Feel It Out: The Guide to Getting in Touch with Your Goals, Your Relationships, and Yourself." Sondler says that what started as an illustrated book for single people on how to survive a break-up turned into a book for every single person that covers many of life’s challenges from strengthening self-awareness to how to adopt a dog.