
Emotionally Fit with Dr. Emily Anhalt


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Champagne Problem Pity Party with VP of Marketing at SparkToro, Amanda Natividad

I invited Amanda Natividad of Spark Toro to a Champagne Problem Pity Party, and you’re invited too! Join us as we talk about our tendency to downplay our struggles and why there is room to empathize with others while still acknowledging our own pain. 

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August 23, 2022
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TABOO TUESDAY: Going Public with Emotions & Therapy with Author, Jordan Sondler

In this Taboo Tuesday discussion, author, illustrator, and mental health advocate, Jordan Sondler, joins Dr. Emily to talk about what it was like going public about therapy and working on her mental health in her book, "Feel It Out: The Guide to Getting in Touch with Your Goals, Your Relationships, and Yourself." Sondler says that what started as an illustrated book for single people on how to survive a break-up turned into a book for every single person that covers many of life’s challenges from strengthening self-awareness to how to adopt a dog.

July 18, 2022
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How to Accept a Compliment with Emotional Fitness Instructor at Coa, Karin Gold

Do you have trouble accepting compliments (hint: most people do)? You might worry that you’ll come across as conceited if you do. Or maybe you’re so tough on yourself that compliments don’t resonate or feel genuine. In this Emotional Push-Up, Dr. Emily is joined by Emotional Fitness Instructor at Coa, Karin Gold, and shares a step-by-step method to help us all get a little more comfortable accepting compliments.

June 20, 2022
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Why "Always Trust Your Gut" Is Bad Advice with StudioPod Co-Founder, Julian A. Lewis II

StudioPod co-founder Julian A. Lewis II joins Dr. Emily in this Emotional Push-Up to talk about our gut instincts. While it’s considered standard sage advice to ‘trust our gut,’ Dr. Emily says there’s more to it than that. Listen now to hear why she says we should all be a little more discerning about what our guts are telling us.